The Main Chapel

A place that makes you feel like gazing at the  heavens and pray... ⛪️  


I. The Main Chapel

① Ceiling

Entering the sanctuary, the first thing that catches your eye is... The ceiling!

The ceiling is designed in such a way that the "eyes of those who enter the Main Chapel are directed to the heavens.

The flower petal motif is similar to Michelangelo's idea of the Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome, "to invite visitors to look, pray and reflect more  deeply."

The natural light that pours in from here softly fills the Main Chapel and enhances the beauty of  the flower-designed ceiling.

② The Twelve Apostles' Pillars

The twelve pillars are placed around the Main Chapel. Not only do they serve as pillars chapel, but also the names of the 12 apostles are assigned to each pillar.

The pillars, which become thinner as they go up, overlap with the flower petal skylight, creating a space that maintains and deepens the ambience  of prayer.

▶︎ "About the 12 Apostles"



③Walls and bricks

The bricks in the walls of the cathedral are made in Holland.
The overlapping and spacing of the bricks is to make it easier to hear the sound inside the cathedral. The names of the people who donated when it was built are carefully embedded in the wall at the rear of the altar."


④Pipe Organ

▶ Please refer to : To "Pipe Organ"

ll. Highlights of the Main Chapel  

①The Altar and the Tabernacle  

This altar was carved out of a single block of Spanish marble, representing the presence of the same Christ on the altar and in the Tabernacle. Spain is also the birthplace of St. Ignatius, the patron saint of the Church.




The design of the Tabernacle is that of "breaking bread". When it is opened, the inside is dug into the ground like a grotto (cave).    If you look at the base of the altar and the base of the Tabernacle, you will see that the lower part has a rough pattern, and the upper part has a fine pattern, which invites you to the "posture of prayer" like a pillar.  Photo of the inside  Altar image  Image of the altar and the Tabernacle      

▶︎What is the Holy Eucharist?

② Congregational seats

Size of the main Churchi is 700 fixed seats. Floor space of 440 tsubo(1454.55 m2... 1Tsubo ~ 3.30579 m2) 

The entire congregational area is designed in a gentle "mortar" shape.
This allows the congregation to feel close to the altar from any seat.
It also allows the priest to see the faces of the people gathered and to conduct a solemn Mass.

Here's a bit of trivia:
The highest point is the top of the mortar = the floor of the last pew... The highest point is the altar. Yes, this is a church. Altar = God is number one! That's how it's built.

③ Statue of the Resurrected Christ


At the center of the altar inside an ordinary church is usually Christ Crucified. However, at St.Ignatius Church, the usual Cross at the altar's center is replaced by a Resurrected Christ that has a special expression unique to this church.

It is made as a symbol of the rising of Christ from Death in the crypt below the main church to Resurrection seen at the Main Altar. That's why it's called the "Resurrection of Christ."

On the left side of the Church, you will see the bloody statue of Christ with crown of thorns as the Cross in the main church that  symbolizes redemption.

However, for Japanese, the image of the resurrected Christ is imbued with  gentle and loving  atmosphere that evokes a feeling of nearness or closeness to Christ  that makes the Japanese  feel at peace.


Now, let's take a closer look at Jesus.

Sharp oriental eye, oriental shoulders. Overall, he seems to be in an atmosphere of gentleness and humility, with his arms outstretched to warmly welcome people. The gentle and warm Jesus brings great healing to those who pray to him.


< The Resurrected Christ >

- Author: Shigeru Nakano
- Material: Bronze, Gold
- Description:

Mr. Shigeru Nakano is a student of the late sculptor Yasutake Funakoshi. He is a member of St.Ignatius Church.

④ Statue of Mary   


This work was created with a Japanese image of a "mother".
Initially, it was intended to be a "generic Madonna and Child" holding the infant Jesus.
But the priests thought, "There is only one Jesus in the main church," so they chose this statue with Jesus in the womb of His Mother, Mary.


Now, look at this hand of Mary. Why is it the only part that is colored in black?

The reason is that when we pray to Mary, people unintentionally hold Mary's  hands and pray. This is also true for Japanese people, but many believers, especially those from foreign countries, pray with their hands clasped. Different countries have different ways of praying... This statue of Mary is a symbol of the Ignatian Church, which is very multinational.

<The statue of Mary >
- Author: Shigeru Nakano
- Material: Isahaya stone from Nagasaki


A place to receive the sacrament of absolution (confession). The stained glass windows of the old cathedral have been moved to each room. This is a picture from the believer's seat in the confession room. It looks like this.

What is the Sacrament of Forgiveness? =What is a sacrament?"

⑥Stained Glass


▶ Go to "Stained Glass"


▶ Crypt 

▶ Xavier Chapel

 ◀ Main chapter